We go to coffee as often as possible-usually once a week. This time we went to The Buzz because it made the list of Best Coffee Places in Northern Colorado and right down the street from us. (http://thebuzzcoffeeshop.com/) It was part of the NoCo 50 Challenge (https://www.facebook.com/Noco50) brought on by Scott and Sadie (www.bigcountry979.com) and The Coloradoan newspaper (www.coloradoan.com)
January 29th: Tough challenge-ordering our fave coffee drinks and sitting together chatting? DONE!
The month of April: To celebrate the Goddess Riviera's Birthday Season (yes, we have seasons, not just a day or week), we enjoyed a dinner out at Coyote's Mexican Restaurant. http://coyotesgreeley.com/index.html